Optimise Prime Presentations
Optimise Prime regularly appears at conferences and events in order to share knowledge generated by the project with stakeholders in the wider energy and mobility sectors. On this page you can replay proceedings from a number of recent events.
Optimise Prime: Helping fleets go electric
Optimise Prime held a knowledge sharing event on 18th January 2023 in London’s Science Gallery. Presentations included an overview of the project and the tools developed for fleets by Hitachi and UK Power Networks. Representatives of project partners Centrica, Royal Mail, Uber and Novuna discussed their experiences of fleet electrification and took part in a Q&A session.
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Enabling the EV Revolution webinar:
Driving the network
In this webinar UK Power Networks and SP Energy Networks presented the solutions pioneered as part of the Optimise Prime and Charge projects to enable to EV chargepoint connections. Topics covered include Flexible connections, Flexibility services, EV charging demand modelling, Network capacity data and pricing availability. The webinar explains how the solutions will allow network operators to connect a greater numbers of EV chargepoints (public destination, workplace, en-route and fleet) to the electricity distribution network, making efficient use of available capacity.
Getting Connected webinar:
The Future of EV Charging Infrastructure
This webinar, presented together with colleagues from SP Energy Networks’ Charge project gave an overview of the findings of these two complementary projects, focused on solutions to help accelerate electrification through solutions for fleet and public charging.
Optimise Prime Key Learnings
This short presentation gives an introduction to the project and a brief overview of the key learnings contained in the first five project deliverables, focusing on the insights for fleet managers and network operators.
Optimise Prime interim learnings
A presentation given by UK Power Networks’ Florentine Roy at the Cornwall Insight EV & Charging Infrastructure Forum on 18th May 2022.
The presentation gives an interim overview of some of the key findings made by the project.
Future Proofing London’s Grid for an EV Future
UK Power Networks’ Ian Cameron introduces Optimise Prime as part of a panel session at COP26, focusing on how data is being used to enable the transition to electric vehicles for fleets.
Green fleets: progress in switching to EVs. Insights from Optimise Prime
On 1st July, as part of London Climate Action Week, Optimise Prime Programme Manager James Bracegirdle joined Hitachi’s Mike Nugent in a TechUK lunchtime webinar hosted by PA Consulting’s Warwick Goodall. The discussion covered issues relating to the electrification of commercial fleets and gave an update on the progress made so far in Optimise Prime.
Sung Pil-Oe, Innovation Project Lead at UK Power Networks and James Bracegirdle, Programme Manager for Optimise Prime at Hitachi Europe provide an update on the progress of the Optimise Prime NIC project and introduce some early learnings. This presentation was originally made at the Cenex Low Carbon Vehicle 2020 event on 19th November 2020.
The Virtual Fleet & Mobility Live 2020
‘Optimise Prime - one year on' video presentation for Fleet & Mobility Live 2020, 18th November 2020.
Big Data LDN 2020
Data for Good: Driving Economic & Environmental Transformation
Presentation exploring Optimise Prime’s use of data to drive environmental improvements. Presented 24th September 2020.
Changing Lanes Webinar
Hosted on 23 April 2020, the webinar shares industry-leading technical insights from flagship EV trials happening taking place across the UK. The webinar features UK Power Networks' Innovation lead Dr Sung Pil Oe, Innovation Engineer Florentine Roy, and Hugo Seymour, Senior Manager at Hitachi Europe introduce Optimise Prime, the world's largest commercial electric vehicle trial in conjunction with household names Hitachi, British Gas, Royal Mail and Uber.
You'll also hear from Geoff Murphy, Lead Engineer at SP Energy Networks on Charge, an £8.5m project to accelerate the connection of EV Charging Infrastructure through developing new transport planning, connection and charging solutions.